Beringea and the Credit Suisse Customized Fund Investment Group (“CFIG”) have launched Michigan Growth Capital Partners II, L.P. (“MGCP II”), a $180 million fund dedicated to providing growth equity to Michigan companies.
ANN ARBOR, Mich.—The Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA) will recognize several Michigan venture firms, investment professionals, and two venture-backed entrepreneurs for their successes at its annual awards dinner November 7 in Plymouth. The statewide membership organization will honor: MVCA “100 Award” winner Arboretum Ventures of Ann Arbor, for closing a venture fund over $100 million […]
Ann Arbor, Mich. – The Venture Michigan Fund II, Limited Partnership (“VMF II”) announced today that it has launched a new fund to invest in high quality venture capital funds committed to investing in Michigan based high technology companies. VMF II has capital totaling $120 million to invest in venture capital funds targeting seed and […]