MVCA tools are most current and complete resources available.
ANN ARBOR, Michigan (August 31, 2016)—The Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA) is launching its 2016 Michigan Entrepreneurial & Investment Landscape Guide. The guide is the state’s most comprehensive tool for navigating the Michigan entrepreneurial and investment community. Useful to both in-state and out-of-state investors who are active in Michigan, the 2016 Landscape Guide is a thorough compilation of angel organizations, venture firms, entrepreneurial support organizations, and service providers that are active in the Michigan entrepreneurial and investment community. With a total of more than 142 profiles included, the 2016 Landscape Guide, it the most comprehensive listing of investors and support organizations doing business in Michigan.
This guide works in tandem with the interactive, searchable Michigan Entrepreneurial & Investment Landscape Map, which allows users to sort resources by geographic location, industry sector, and organization type. Both of tools are newly updated for 2016 and available at The Landscape Guide is also available in printed form and can be found at all MVCA events, including MVCA’s largest event of the year, the 2016 MVCA Annual Awards Dinner on November 2, 2016, at the Rattlesnake Club in Detroit.
“MVCA members work hard to create a thriving, robust entrepreneurial community in our state and MVCA is pleased to be the organization to provide resources like the 2016 Michigan Entrepreneurial & Investment Landscape Guide and Map to assist startups and investors in making the valuable connections needed to build businesses here in Michigan,” said Maureen Miller Brosnan, MVCA executive director.
“Whether it’s a high-tech company looking for investment, an out of state investor visiting Michigan and wondering who to meet with while they are in town, or an MVCA member looking for resources for a startup company, these interactive tools will simplify the search and ensure everyone in the country has access to our abundant and varied network of Michigan entrepreneurial resource.” said Brosnan.
Statewide, the community of entrepreneurs and investors doing business in Michigan has continued to grow even as the national venture capital industry contracts, making the 2016 Landscape Guide a necessity for understanding the state’s quickly changing scene. The number of venture capital firms headquartered in Michigan, their total capital under management, and number of venture capital investments made in Michigan companies has doubled and in some cases tripled in the last five years. Early stage investors are a crucial piece of almost every early-stage deal done in the state, and a critical funding source for entrepreneurs launching high-growth, high-potential businesses. Similarly, Michigan’s angel investment community has grown substantially in recent years. The nine angel groups (with a tenth forming) in Michigan are comprised of 294 investors, a 59% increase in angel participation in the last five years.
About The Michigan Venture Capital Association
The Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA) is a non-profit trade organization designed to bring together venture capital industry experts in the state of Michigan. The organization’s goal is to grow and sustain a vibrant venture capital community in Michigan. MVCA membership includes private and corporate venture capital funds, angel investors, universities and economic development participants, and service providers. More than 400 individuals are members of MVCA, representing over 100+ organizations across the nation