Start Garden | Grand Rapids SmartZone
Start Garden | Grand Rapids SmartZone
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- 40 Pearl Street NW Suite 200 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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Start Garden originated in 2012 to fund fast growing startups at their very earliest stages. Now, it operates as three different entities. Wakestream Ventures focuses on early-stage investing in the Internet of Things (IoT) space. Start Garden Foundation is a 501c3 to make entrepreneurship more accessible for everyone in West Michigan. Lastly, Start Garden is a management company administering the Grand Rapids SmartZone and running the Seamless program that bridges new IoT startups to regional enterprises.
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- 40 Pearl Street NW Suite 200 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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Paul Moore
Director -
Laurie Supinski
Company Stages Served
- Growth/Expansion
- Idea/Pre-Seed
- Seed
Industry Sectors Served
- Alternative Energy
- Business Services
- Consumer Products
- Media
- Mobility
Types of Programs Offered
- Capital
- Incubation
- Assets Under Management $15,000,000