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Congratulations to Duo Security! The 100 Award

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Duo Security logo

Ann Arbor-based Duo Security had a big year in 2015.  The advanced security solutions provider well surpassed 100 employees, earning it the MVCA 100 Award at the 2015 MVCA Annual Awards Dinner.  To support that growth, the company raised a $30 million Series C round, bringing total venture funding in the company to $48 million.  Nationally recognized venture investors including Google Ventures, True Ventures, and Benchmark Capital have supported the company on its dramatic growth trajectory.  Michigan venture firm Resonant Venture Partners was an early investor in co-founders’ Dug Song and Jon Oberheide’s idea for a company that protects users, data and applications from credential theft and breaches. Song, a major contributor to the international internet security community, and Oberheide, an expert cloud, mobile, and malware security researcher, quickly grew their company into the leading provider of two-factor authentication for companies like Facebook, NASA and Toyota.

Although Duo Security now boasts and offices in Silicon Valley and London, its headquarters in Michigan remains an important part of the company’s culture and identification.  A third of its 200-person staff bike to work amid tree-lined Ann Arbor streets and a company shield proclaims the motto “Tuebor”, Latin for ‘I Will Defend’ and also part of the Michigan state flag.  Rapidly growing companies like Duo Security have found the Great Lakes Region fertile ground for launching a business that can attract the capital needed in order to grow and thrive.

Photo by Rik Cordero
Photo by Rik Cordero