Although you can save money by becoming a C Corporation, is it the right move for your company? 2018 Silver Service Provider Member Plante Moran helps you weigh your options.
Summary of the article by Kurt Piwko for the Plante Moran blog.
As mentioned in Plante Moran’s guest articles on Tax Reform and 3 Things You Should Know, many companies are looking for ways to take advantage of the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, (TCJA) law.
In this article, Plante Moran makes the following points:
- The huge tax advantages of a C corp
- When switching to a C corp makes sense, and
- The flexibility your company will get with benefits
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About Plante Moran
Plante Moran is among the nation’s largest accounting, tax and consulting firms. With more than 2,200 dedicated professionals in 23 offices, Plante Moran has provided a full range of services to venture capital funds for more than 20 years.
Key service offerings include assurance and tax services; transaction and tax structuring; cybersecurity; due diligence; purchase price allocation; transaction support services; medical device commercialization consulting; tangible and intangible valuation; and personal and family office tax services. Whether it’s structuring a tax savvy transaction, assistance navigating complex fair value accounting frameworks, or analyzing and understanding the impact of legal agreements, Plante Moran has the expertise to assist you in reaching your fund’s goals.