The MVCA Annual Research Reports provide relevant data regarding Michigan's venture capital industry.
Michigan is the comeback state in part because we have developed a strong entrepreneurial environment — one of the most complete support systems in the country — to support innovators looking to launch and grow new ventures.Download the Report
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Key Findings
Total venture capital funds under management of firms headquartered in Michigan in 2013 was $1.65 billion, an increase of 12 percent over the prior year.
Total venture capital funds under management in Michigan in 2013 was $4.02 billion, an increase of eight percent over the prior year.
About $109 million is reserved for follow-on financings for existing Michigan-based portfolio companies, a decrease of 32 percent from last year. MVCA survey respondents estimated actual follow-on demand in the state over the next few years will approach $260 million, reflecting the need for additional funds to help Michigan’s many venture-backed companies succeed.
Available capital for new investments in 2013 was $538 million, an increase of 18 percent from 2012. This capital is available for new investment opportunities across all stages, industry sectors, and geographical regions.