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Revisit with Venture Fellow, Terese Hunwick, Augment Ventures

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The Michigan Venture Capital Association is proud to offer the Venture Fellows Program to Michigan’s venture capital community. The program, launched in 2023, is designed to increase the number of venture professionals in Michigan in order to accelerate the fundraising and deployment of capital into early-stage companies.

Bio Update: Including but not limited to your role, what you’ve been working on, and key achievements.
I found my way back to Michigan from Texas as Head, Investor Relations & Compliance for Augment Ventures through the generous support of the MVCA Venture Fellows Program. While in my new role, Augment Ventures (Augment) has implemented several projects including improving engagement with the Venture Ecosystem by hosting a slate of investor and community events, expanding use of our Fund Management tools, and developing and implementing processes to help Augment scale efficiently we continue our great growth trajectory.

What are some of the most important skills you’ve learned during your fellowship and how have they benefited you?
I have enjoyed learning and implementing the capabilities of our Fund Management software, collaborating with my other team members to roll out sponsorship opportunities with our service providers, and learning multi-level strategies to communicate with our Limited Partners and other stakeholders.

So far, what’s the most memorable thing you’ve experienced during your fellowship?
I really enjoy Augment’s community and investor events. After each event we relax as a team over dinner. We are always learning from each other across a broad range of topics including . . . food (my favorite), the arts, politics, sports, travel, history and, of course, interesting deals especially at our post-event dinners.

How are you promoting a diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial and investment community in Michigan?
I was drawn to Augment because of its past success and entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, Augment is one of the most diverse and entrepreneurial organizations I have experienced. Since we are made up of a diverse group of people from around the world, we approach challenges with a fresh perspective. I believe that by leading by example, Augment is promoting diversity and inclusion.

What excites you the most about your career in Michigan?
It is refreshing to be back in Michigan after spending several years in Texas. The Michigan business community is far more diverse than my most recent industry (construction materials). I am excited to reconnect with the venture community, meet and network with the other fellows, participate in local and national training, gain traction for our Fund IV raise, and enjoy the Lions’ recent (and continued!!!) success.

Besides work, what is one of your passions or aspirations — what do you love to talk about?
When I am not working, I love spending time outdoors and embracing all four seasons by trying new year-round activities. I love traveling, especially with my family and friends. I also enjoy studying business and political history and applying those past lessons to what is happening today.