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Tag: Steve Case

Navigate all the resources featured in the Landscape Guide by geographic location, industry sector, and organization type. Landscape Guide
Everything you need to know to make a meaningful first connection can be found in our 2021-22 Landscape Guide! Download the Guide

2023 MVCA Research Report

Our state's entrepreneurial economy hinges on our ability to provide capital to our high-growth, high-potential companies. Download the Report
October 20 MVCA Joins the Rise of the Rest Tour with Steve Case and J.D. Vance

On October 11, MVCA Associate Director, Emily Heintz, joined Steve Case and J.D. Vance on a bus tour exploring Ann Arbor’s startup community. With 18 venture firms and 49 venture-backed startups, the city has one of the densest entrepreneurial and investment communities in Michigan. During the Fireside Chat, she posed the following question: How can […]

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