This morning, Michigan State Senator Mike Kowall introduced the resolution for the state’s third Michigan Venture Capital and Angel Investment Week from April 22 – April 28, 2018. State Representative Adam Zemke will introduce the resolution in the House. Brosnan was invited by Senator Kowall to be present at the Senate Chambers and by Representative […]
By Maureen Miller Brosnan NVCA has brought to our attention an urgent policy issue on immigrant entrepreneurship. As you may know, at the end of the Obama Administration the Department of Homeland Security finalized the International Entrepreneur Rule, which is similar to a ‘startup visa.’ The rule will go into effect on July 17, but […]
By Maureen Miller Brosnan, Executive Director, MVCA As we gear up for the Mackinac Policy Conference, we would like to take this opportunity to shine a light on legislative activity supporting the entrepreneurial and investment community in Michigan and across the nation. The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) is heavily involved in national policy issues facing […]
This week begins the State’s second Michigan Venture Capital & Angel Investment Week (April 16-22, 2017). Sen. Rebekah Warren introduced the resolution on the Senate floor, where it passed March 28. The legislative community plays a key role in ensuring venture and angel investor’s voices are heard in order to build stronger capital momentum in […]
The momentum in our entrepreneurial and investment community has been building for several years now, and in 2016 we made significant strides to keep Michigan moving in the right direction–forward. The number of venture capital firms headquartered in Michigan, their total capital under management, and number of venture capital investments made in Michigan has doubled […]
House Tax Policy Committee Chairman, Jeff Farrington (R-30) wasted no time getting a hearing on two bills that make up an Angel Investment Program he introduced during the one day this summer that the House was in session. He quickly moved to have House Bills 5786 and 5787 placed in his committee to shepherd them […]
Today in Lansing, more than just the State Capitol is under construction. Representative Jeff Farrington (R-30) laid the groundwork for an Angel Investment Program when he introduced House Bills 5786 and 5787, designed to allow qualified angel investors to claim a tax credit against their personal income tax liability. MVCA was there to discuss the details […]
This week begins the state’s first Michigan Venture Capital & Angel Investment Week April 17-23, 2016. Sen. Rebekah Warren introduced the resolution on the Senate floor, where it passed unanimously last Thursday. “Michigan is one of the top performers in the national venture capital and angel investment communities, bucking national trends toward declining venture capital […]
Recently, MVCA was successful in working with the Senate Committee on Economic Development in passing an amendment to HB4195 and HB4196 that allows for income earned by the State as a result of venture capital investment to go back to fund future state investment in venture capital vs. the general fund. The Michigan venture capital […]
Recently, House legislative leadership introduced a road funding plan (HB 4607 & 4608) that would decimate MEDC’s economic, business, community development, job training and entrepreneurship programs through a proposed $185 million reduction in its operational budget. The House Roads and Economic Development Committee met yesterday and heard testimony from many in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. As […]